Divorce and parenting, a Motherwell original series


Parenting is hard enough when you are in a loving, committed, harmonious relationship with a co-parent. But what happens when you are no longer together, for whatever reason, with the person with whom you had children? This series explores the intricacies of life with kids after separation or divorce.


Divorce and parenting, a Motherwell original series, featuring:

Separated from my husband, parenting my daughter, by Robin L. Flanigan



What if our split isn’t the best thing for her? What if it does irreparable harm?


If I divorce her dad, will she still be family?, by Katie Gutierrez



I could not teach my stepdaughter, this girl so quickly becoming a woman, that to stay was always right.


Learning how to parent together, after the marriage is overby Samantha Shanley



I had to let go of the idea that I was the only one who could meet my children’s needs.


Will I ever share my bed with a partner again?by Katherine Sargent



It was hard enough to find somebody the first time, when I was young and untarnished by the scars of motherhood.

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